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- #6300
- @001 Enter the name of the BORROWER:
- @002 Enter the name of the BANK:
- #6301/#6302 The loan shall be:
- A variable interest rate
- A fixed interest rate
- #if#6301
- !630 Enter the amount of the loan in numerals:
- @631 Enter the initial interest rate for the loan:
- @632 Enter the number of days between adjustments:
- @633 Enter the date for the first adjustment in interest rate:
- @634 Enter the overall maximum rate of interest:
- @635 Enter the overall minimum rate of interest:
- @636 Enter the maximum change of interest rate per adjustment:
- @637 Enter the reference rate (prime plus ....):
- #endif
- #if#6302
- !638 Enter the amount of the loan in numerals:
- @639 Enter the interest rate for the loan:
- @640/@640/@640 The loan interest rate will be compounded:
- monthly
- quarterly
- @660 Enter interest rate as an APR under Regulation Z:
- #endif
- #6303
- #6304/#6305 The loan shall be paid in:
- Installments
- In a single payment
- #if#6304
- @700 Enter the installments:
- #endif
- #if#6305
- @701 Enter the date when the note is due:
- #endif
- #6306
- #6307 Will the BORROWER be required to maintain an offsetting deposit?
- #if#6307
- !300 Enter the amount of the offsetting deposit in numerals:
- #endif
- #6308 Will the borrower provide a periodic financial statement?
- #if#6308
- @303/@303/@303/@303 Statement to be provided (in months):
- 3
- 6
- 12
- #endif
- #6309
- #6310 Will the borrower provide life insurance?
- #if#6310
- @304 Enter names of individuals to be insured:
- @305/@305 Enter amounts of insurance per individual:
- The principal and interest balance then outstanding on the loan
- @309 Enter state where loan is to be repaid:
- #endif
- #6311 Will the borrower carry disability insurance?
- #if#6311
- @309 Enter state where loan is to be repaid:
- @307 Enter names of individuals to be insured:
- @308/@308 Enter amounts of insurance per individual:
- The principal and interest balance then outstanding on the loan
- #endif
- #6312 Will the borrower provide collateral?
- #if#6312
- @310 Enter property to be liened:
- #endif
- #6313
- #end control section
- #6300
- /* Para. 6300: Bank loan agreements */
- @001, referred to as BORROWER, and @002, referred to as BANK,
- agree:
- That the BANK shall lend sums of money to the BORROWER from time
- to time, including:
- #6301
- /* Para. 6301: Variable rate loan */
- Principal amount: $ @630 (!630 dollars)
- The initial rate for the loan shall be: @631%
- The interest rate shall be adjusted every @632 days from the
- closing date of the loan
- The first adjustment shall take place on @633
- The overall maximum rate for the loan shall be: @635%
- The rate on the loan shall not be less than: @636%
- The reference rate used for adjustment shall be: 637
- #6302
- /* Para. 6302: Fixed interest rate */
- The BANK shall lend the BORROWER the sum of $ @638 (!638 dollars)
- at an interest rate of @639 per cent, compounded @640. This is
- equivalent to an ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE (as calculated under
- Regulation Z) of @660 %.
- #6303
- /* Para. 6303: Memorialized by notes */
- The advance made herein shall be evidenced by a promissory note.
- The following will be the terms of repayment:
- #6304
- /* Para. 6304: Regular installments */
- The note shall be paid in following installments:
- @700
- #6305
- /* Para. 6305: Single installment */
- The note shall be due, in full, on @701.
- #6306
- /* Para. 6306: Assignment of deposits */
- BORROWER assigns to BANK any and all deposits with BANK as
- additional collateral to BANK. Upon default, BANK shall be
- entitled to set off the deposits in satisfaction of any sum due
- to BANK by the BORROWER.
- #6307
- /* Para. 6307: Off setting deposit */
- At all times that BORROWER is indebted to BANK, BORROWER shall
- maintain a minimum deposit balance with the BANK of $ @300 (!300
- dollars) in @301 account.
- #6308
- /* Para. 6308: Provision of periodic financial statements */
- The BORROWER will provide to BANK a financial statement @302
- every @303 months.
- #6309
- /* Para. 6309: Non-personal */
- The BORROWER shall not use the proceeds of this loan for
- household, personal or family obligations.
- The BORROWER represents that the loan proceeds will be used for
- business purposes.
- #6310
- /* Para. 6310: Life insurance */
- The BORROWER shall maintain a life insurance policy in the
- following amounts related to the following individuals:
- Individuals: @304
- Amounts: @305
- THe BORROWER shall not be required to obtain the same through
- BANK and may assign policies from insurers licensed to offer life
- insurance in the State of @306.
- #6311
- /* Para. 6311: Disability insurance */
- The BORROWER shall maintain a credit disability insurance policy
- in the following amounts related to the following individuals:
- Individuals: @307
- Amounts: @308
- The BORROWER shall not be required to obtain the same through
- BANK and may assign policies from insurers licensed to offer
- credit disability insurance in the State of @309.
- #6312
- /* Para. 6312: Collateral */
- The extension of credit made herein shall be secured by a lien on
- the following property:
- @310
- and BORROWER shall execute such financing statements and security
- interests as BANK may reasonably require from time to time to
- perfect its security interest.
- #6313
- /* Para. 6313: Close */
- Dated: ____________________________
- _________________________________________________
- @001
- ________________________________________________
- @002